Contact Us

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol or drug addiction, you can reach out to us and rely on us to guide you through the process of recovery. We will help you find all the right resources available.

We are not funded by any private rehabilitation centre or treatment service provider, so we don’t take sides on treatment options and facilities.

We will remain completely neutral and unbiased with our opinion. We just provide you all the information in the language and manner you would find most helpful and then the decision from there is yours.

We are a Non-Profit Foundation, our services are completely free.
Please call or email now to take that first step to overcoming your addiction.

[email protected]
All the calls and consultations are kept private and confidential.

Contact Our Volunteers

Your consultation is absolutely free – Let’s talk!

Got Questions ?

If you have any concerns or question regarding our programs, please ask freely.
We mainly exist to help support and answer your questions.

You identity is kept confidential and will never be revealed or published without your consent.
[email protected]